Accreditation Orocess

Step 1. Submit an application via email with all required attachments (See here): The accreditation committee reviews all documents submitted and provides feedback to the applicant in one month, from the date of submitting the application.

Step 2. Receive your feedback by e-mail: The accreditation committee usually provides three types of feedback:

Step 3. Submit the accreditation fee, upon notification of approval. Payment instructions and methods will be provided.

Step 4. Receive your official Full Theological Accreditation certificate by e-mail attachment. This is a quality document with a seal and signature that can be immediately printed on parchment paper and framed for display.

Step 5. IABMM renewal is required On January 31st of each calendar year. Submit the renewal evaluation form provided, and pay the renewal fee on or before January 31st of each calendar year.